Delice - Cömelek Hill

The character of the Route:
The route starts from Delice District, famous for its grapes and melons, which takes its name from the tributary of Kızılırmak and proceeds towards the hilly land in the north. Reaching its highest point at 4.6km, the track turns after a calm descent. This meditative route, which gives peace with its silence, ends when it reaches the starting point.
Notes to Travelers:
You can taste the delicious white grapes, also called "Delice White", and Delice melon, and drink Delice must, which is a source of energy and known to be beneficial to human health.
You can buy the famous Delice salt, which meets the World Health Organization criteria and is rich in minerals.
You can try the delicious bazlama kebab.
You can photograph Karabekir Mansion, one of the successful examples of traditional Ottoman mansion architecture.
Make sure your phone is charged before you start your walk.
Have enough water and snacks with you.