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Oral sources tell that Arpacızade Mehmet Efendi, who lived in the 19th century, was born in Ürgüp and received his madrasa education in Kırşehir.
Mehmet Şükrü Efendi, who was born in 1845 in Nar and served as mufti and deputy, and Hafız Osman (1860-1910) Efendi from İncesu-Hamurcu, are among the students of Arpacızade. Arpacızade Mehmet Efendi, who was a professor at the Arpacızade madrasah in Ürgüp, produced a handwritten copy of the 1841 dated Adalı Mustafa b Hamza's "Netaicü'l - Efkar Şerhü'l İzhar".
Arpacızade Mehmet Efendi, who moved and settled in Demirtaş village of Ürgüp, died in this village and was buried in the old cemetery. Since the writing of the tombstone inscription has been erased and corrupted, the entire inscription cannot be read.

Source: H. Hüsetin Dilaver

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